Rev. Kenneth Thibodeaux, President
Our Mission
To encourage, empower, equip, and fellowship with Pastors and ministers to help them to serve their congregations more effectively.
Mrs. Lillian Gibbs, President
Our Mission & Objectives
The Mission of the Woman's Auxiliary to the First District Missionary Baptist Association is to embrace the spirit mind, teachings and principles of Christ in our endeavor to promote Christian education, minister to needs, and promote spiritual growth for the women of our association and to advance the Gospel message to people, and in particular, women in the world.
Our Objectives are to...
Organize Women
Sympathize with Women
Evangelize Women
Mrs. Joy Perex Askin, Director
Our Mission Statement:
The First District Missionary Baptist Association Young People’s Department consists of young people ages 1-35, our mission is to teach and train them in Christian Education with the Word of God as our main source, engaging them in Outreach Mission (visiting, giving, and helping, those in need) help them to develop their skills in Evangelism (witnessing to others about Jesus), teaching them to prayerfully use their gifts to glorify our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Deacon Ronald J. Ray, President
The First District Baptist Laymen's Movement was organized in (1930). The National Baptist Voice stated the purpose of the Laymen 's Movement:
"And wherever the Laymen's Movement is organized, the spirit of it will be to see that the pastor is well paid; and to foster and encourage by words and our money the institutions of learning that have made space for Theological Departments, so as to have a better educated ministry, better Sunday School Superintendents, teachers, and B.Y.P.U. workers throughout our denomination."
Mrs. Melinda Pou, President
The Usher's Ministry is comprised of Christian women and men who have been called to serve in their local churches as ushers.
The desire to have a Christ-centered association must result in auxiliaries that are Christ-centered in their programming. The Usher's seeks to fulfill this mandate by emphasizing Christ's desires for how we should conduct ourselves in our appointed roles in all of our study efforts. Our workers will learn more about Christ, His mission, His meaning, and His messages.
In order to be Christ-centered and effective in their roles, Ushers must first be Christians in their homes, workplace, social settings, and churches. We should not only seek to know Christ, but we should seek to show Christ in our lives. To this end, the Usher's Auxiliary provides information on Christian salvation, encourages members to understand what salvation means so that they can witness about the goodness of Jesus Christ and carry our His Great Commission through ushering.
Dr. Warren J. Ray, Jr., President
Ms. Linda Merrick, Dean
The First District Missionary Baptist Association Congress of Christian Education.
The purpose of the NCCCE is to support the mission of the Association President by serving as the nucleus for Christian Education.
Our primary responsibilities include:
Goals of the Congress include:
Establish accredited leadership schools within our sister churches throughout the year.
Its principal training activity is conducted at the Congress Annual Session in October with additional year-round educational opportunities. The Congress of Christian Education has met in its annual sessions continually since 1994.
Mrs. Wanda H. Davis, President
This is a support Ministry for Minister’s Wives and Widows to help strengthen their faith, prayer life, and biblical studies; senior members teach the younger members in the ministry to be steadfast and unmovable in their given role, as they grow in grace. They hold monthly meetings and various programs.
The Ministers’ Wives and Widows Auxiliary work to build a foundation of strength in Jesus Christ by:
• Sharing our experiences with other Ministers wives, with the intent and purpose of offering encouragement, inspiration, and motivation to promote fellowship.
• Offering mentoring leadership training to new ministers wives
• Enhancing the work of the Ministers Wives in the ministry with their husbands
• Striving to help our communities become apart of our church families
• Connecting to make positive impacts upon our individual communities as well as nationwide
• Working with different organizations to raise money for various charities
It is the sincere mission of this Auxiliary to offer a place of refuge for the Ministers’ Wives and Widows of the First District Missionary Baptist Association.
Rev. Richard Burton, President
"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you…"
Matthew 28:19-20
The First District Evangelical Board was organized for the spiritual training of ministers who are non-pastors, to promote more preaching opportunities. The members have monthly meetings and continue to welcome every opportunity afforded them to preach the unhindered gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The scriptural mandate of evangelism is Matt. 8:19-20, called the Great Commission. Evangelism— "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations"—is a command to go and make disciples of all nations. It is a two pronged
enterprise. It involves winning the lost and making disciples of those won.
(1) "baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
(2) Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you."
(3) Going and witnessing, with the intent of reaching and winning the lost
(4) Making disciples of those won
Evangelism is reaching and teaching
all nations
Rev. Johnny Arvie, President
This Department was organized to enhance or help establish Sunday Church Schools of the First District churches by providing them with credible, comprehensive, adaptable, and relevant Christian methods and materials for teaching and development through quarterly meetings, workshops, and seminars; in addition to promoting public speaking for youth in an annual oratorical competition.
Sunday school serves to educate students to Biblical truths with present day applications. All material is especially written to address the level of understanding of students in every division.
The First District Missionary Baptist Association Sunday School Ministry is designed to teach us how to live a balanced Christian life by connecting, growing, serving and going. The Sunday school is always about spiritual growth.
This ministry conducts quarterly workshops to enhance our Christian growth during their meetings and they hold a model Sunday school on the last Sunday of the session, District churches are invited and they are encourage to bring their entire
This Department was organized to enhance or help establish Training Unions/Nurture for Baptists of the First District churches for Christian Training in sound doctrine to grow in knowledge, to develop Christian skills, to live in your religion, to become a personal soul-winner, and to cultivate the Baptist spirit.
BTU ~ Baptist Training Union is the church in training. Pertinent topics are discussed in a Christian context with the Bible as the guide at their monthly meetings and district churches are encouraged to begin a BTU Ministry in their churches. This ministry stands ready to assist you in setting up a department in your church if you do not have one. During the annual session and in their monthly meetings they delve wholeheartedly into Baptist beliefs.
Rev. Elijah McCarty, Minister of Music
Shannon W. Breaud, Director
Gwendolyn Harrison, Organist
Janice Cojoe, Chorus President
This Ministry was organized to enhance the corporate worship of the First District Missionary Baptist Association. The appropriate music has been a useful medium for the transmission and teaching of theological concepts. Music in our worship experience continues to enhance and enable the realization of the missionary purpose.
There is a wide range of diversity within the music department. This department ministers to the association through songs. The music department consists of the Mass Choir, The Mass Choir ministers to the members during their annual musical and on all occasions when requested by the parent body.
The chorus provides the music for our annual revival and congress. Their ministry is Christ centered and their music is always uplifting and full of praise to God almighty.
Gwendolyn Ray Smith, Chairperson
The Dr. Matthews McGary , Sr. Scholarship Foundation was birthed under the presidency of Dr. Matthews McGary, Sr. His vision was to develop a program in the district to help young people who would be attending college.
"We have some of the best and brightest young people even though many of our members were unable to attend college. We have an opportunity to come together to make the dreams of our young people come true". -Dr. Matthews McGary, Sr.
Scholarships have been awarded in the names of the following Presidents and other Department Leaders.
Dr. Matthews McGary, Sr.-High Academic Scholarship
Dr. Calvin W. Woods, Jr.-Presidential Scholarship
Dr. Paul Raphael -Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Robert Turner, Sr.-Living Legend Scholarship
Dr. Zebadee Bridges, Sr. - Leadership Scholarship
Dr. A. Prince Fortner - Special Achievement Scholarship
Sis. Naomi L. Grooms - Trailblazer Scholarship
Dr. Linda T. Fortenberry - Educational Scholarship
Rev. Bazile Jolicoeur - Meritorious Scholarship
Dr. Ellis Dupleche - Memorial Scholarship
Bro. Joseph Young - Layman’s Scholarship
Since its inception the scholarship foundation has awarded over 600 scholarships and grants to our First District and New Orleans Public Schools students.
Click here to download the 2023 Dr. Matthews McGary, Sr. Scholarship Application