Who We Are
NOLA Baptist Charities is a 501©3 Nonprofit agency that is committed to giving help and providing hope for the citizens of New Orleans and the surrounding cities. We are united as African American Baptist churches seeking to provide programs, advocate, and empower the hurting in our communities no matter what their race, creed, or color.
We will provide food and nutrition services, aid the homeless, hungry, the elderly, tutoring, at-risk youth, women, mental health, counseling, housing, financial assistance, family life training, Prison re-entry program, counseling, and many more.
Our History
Nola Baptist Charities was birth in June of 2016 by Dr. Calvin W. Woods, Jr. when he became the President of the First District Missionary Baptist Association. His vision was to create a Baptist charity where African Americans could help their local churches and communities to address some of the needs they were facing. He realized that our individual churches were making a difference, but if we could combine our efforts, we could do greater things for our communities. Therefore, after he shared his vision and it was accepted and approved, he selected his committee, filed the proper papers to become a 501(C)3 Non-Profit agency and NOLA Baptist Charities became a reality.
Our Mission
Our mission is to show the love of God through our words and deeds. Therefore, we will offer life-giving programs, advocate for the voiceless, and empower the poor and vulnerable to foster a more just society
Our Values
• Respect for others
• Demonstrating love through our
• Advocating for Justice and Fairness
• Providing Unity through Partnership
and Prayer
• Educate the Illiterate
• Employ the unemployed
• Reduce crime in our communities
• Teach forgiveness and conflict
Calvin W. Woods, President
Samuel Gibbs, Jr., Vice President
Kenneth Thibodeaux, Secretary
Derrick Webb, Financial Secretary
Hosia Gardner, Treasurer
Kathy Celestine, Administrative Assistant
Warren J. Ray, Jr.
John Jackson
Gwen Tucker
Robert Turner, Sr.
Willie Gable
Norman Stovall
Elvert Bijou
Reginald Nicholas
Charles Southall
Melvin Flores
Contact Us
NOLA Baptist Charities
1230 Desire Street
New Orleans, LA 70117
Telephone (504) 606-4782
Email: cwwoods@bellsouth.net
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