Our Association is composed of 42 churches that are united in our vision and mission given to us in 1863 by our founding leaders and members. Our theology and our worship styles include contemporary, progressive, blended and traditional. We are bound together by the cords of love and the common goal of reaching our cities, communities and world for Jesus Christ.
As we review the pages and events in our history, our minds will reflect on where God has brought us from. We thank God for the footprints and information that were left behind by our Pastors, Ministers, Teachers, Leaders, and Laypersons during this moment in our history. Our historians declared, “The first Negro Association in the city of New Orleans was organized in 1837 by Elder Joseph Wills and was called the Louisiana Southern Baptist Association. Due to conflicting issues another Association was organized in 1863 by Elders Charles Satchell, George Walker, John Marks, Esau Carter, Alex Armstrong, R.H. Steptoe, John H. Flemings and others, namely The First Free Missionary Association. Realizing that two organizations were operating in the same district, and that united a more effective spreading of the Gospel would be manifested, the brethren decided to merge, thus the two united and became The First District Missionary Baptist Association in 1863.” It was later incorporated in 1895 by President John Flemings.
History deals with personalities as well as events which are prominent in the existence of an organization as well as a nation. The progress of an organization depends largely upon the qualities of the personalities giving leadership to it. The First District Missionary Baptist Association has been led by men of nobility, deep spiritual insight, vision and dauntless courage. Every President in his own perspective has contributed to the expansion and progress of the organization. The progressive history of the First District Missionary Baptist Association can be followed by an analytic view of the 13 Presidents and their achievements.
First President - Rev. John H. Flemings
Second President - Rev. George Washington Toney
Third President - Rev. Gloster Clanton Rounds
Fourth President - Rev. Jackson V. Acox
Fifth President - Rev. George Henry John Devoe
Sixth President - Rev. Golden Henry Hendricks
Seventh President - Rev. Dr. Bazile Jolicoeur
Eighth President - Rev. Dr. Paul Walker Raphael
Ninth President - Rev. Dr. A. Prince Fortner
Tenth President - Dr. Matthews Mc Gary, Sr.
Eleventh President - Dr. Zebadee Bridges, Sr.
Twelfth President - Dr. Robert Turner, Sr.
Thirteenth President - Dr. Calvin W. Woods, Jr.
Fourteenth President - Dr. Samuel J. Gibbs